15 ways to use earth elements to clear toxic energy


Toxic energy is a fact of life for everyone at some point.

Toxic energy could come from other people, situations, environmental pollutants or even your own thoughts. You can’t always see it, but you can feel its effects in the form of mental, emotional and physical disturbances like restlessness, anxiety, fear, stress or even dis-ease.

If you allow toxic energy to infiltrate, it can poison you. This negative energy can flourish and multiply if you’re unaware. It can perpetuate itself like a cancer.

When you feel toxic energy, it’s a sign that something’s wrong.

The dangers are very real. I was in toxic relationships for many years, and it led to me becoming very ill.

Now that I am aware of the dangerous effects of toxic energy, I stay vigilant.

Through my training in coaching, meditation and reiki, I’ve learned many practical and energetic tools to turn negative energy around.

You don’t need any special training, to clear toxic energy!

In this blog post, I’m sharing 15 super simple, everyday ways to use earth elements to clear toxic energy.

Note that while toxic energy is a fact of life, and we can find ways to cope with it, it isn’t something that you should suffer through a long period of time.

The best way to deal with ongoing toxic energy is to create strong boundaries. Distance yourself from it as much as you can.


I find myself returning again and again,

to the simple, everyday practices,

of using earth elements mindfully . . .

using gratitude,

creative visualization

and positive intentions

to give them a powerful charge.




Set intentions to wash away the toxic energy, as you wash your hands, clean your home, or as you take a bath or shower. Be mindful as you feel the water element washing over you. Imagine the water molecules picking up toxic energy and carrying it away, down the drain, leaving you refreshed and clean.

Choose temperature consciously.

A warm or hot bath will relax muscles that are tense from stress. Take deep breaths, imagining your muscle tissues expanding to allow the water molecules to enter the tissues, hydrating and purifying you.

Use cold water as a “reset” when you feel dull, tired or lackluster, or if your mind is stuck in a negative loop. A splash of cold water will instantly wake you up, refresh you, and shock your system in a positive way. It’s also a wonderful immunity booster.



Tears are the water element within us, that hold our intense emotions and gently release them, allowing us to let go.

Crying is a healthy form of expression. Too many of us have been taught that crying is shameful or a sign of weakness. But it isn’t.

When you’re holding on, you’re resisting what naturally needs to happen. Let go of the resistance and allow your body to clear away the energy.

Crying is a natural form of detoxifying and releasing stressful feelings and difficult emotions.

When you are in a safe space, allow the tears to fall and flow freely. Give yourself permission to let go of control for a little while.

As you cry, you can imagine the water element of tears detoxifying you from the pent-up emotions that could harm you if you keep holding on to them.



Keep yourself well-hydrated so that your body stays in great shape, flushing out toxins and keeping all your tissues, joints and organs supple and well-lubricated.

When you’re well-hydrated, you’ll feel better.

Hydrating reduces inflammation so you’ll feel less pain and tension. You’ll feel more freedom of movement.

Hydrate with pure water or add some lemon or cucumber to make it more alkaline. Juices, smoothies and water-rich foods like fresh fruits and vegetables are also great. Avoid drinks with caffeine or alcohol.




Burning is the most classic way to release toxic energy.

When you feel negative, toxic emotions, write them down on paper to get those emotions outside of yourself. Then burn them in a ceremonial fire.

As the flames consume the paper, imagine these toxins being destroyed and rendered neutral into harmless ash, dust and air. As the flames die out, feel your emotions settle down as well.


Smudging is another way to purify.

Burn sage, palo santo wood or your own special herbs to create a cleansing smoke that can purify the space around your body. Set intentions and pray as you gently fan the smoke around your body, blessing yourself in this nourishing ritual. You should feel an immediate shift in the energy and an uplifted mood.

Be sure to use caution, and carefully and completely extinguish all fire elements.


The sun is a more gentle, yet still powerfully effective detoxifying fire energy.

Go outside on a warm sunny day. The sun brightens our outlook as it lights up the sky.

As the sun touches your body, imagine its warming rays gently penetrating through your skin, warming up your tissues and organs and melting away tension and stress.

On a hot day, the heat of the sun will make you sweat, naturally detoxifying through the pores of your skin.




Renew and refresh yourself with air element!

Get fresh air outdoors as much as possible. Walk briskly to get your heart rate up and breathe more deeply, to recharge yourself with an influx of oxygen into your bloodstream.


Meditation brings your focus to your breath and allows you to deepen and relax your breathing.

This releases tension in your body, so you can let go of whatever stress you may be holding on to. As your breathing deepens, you naturally take in more oxygen and slow down your heart rate and blood pressure.

The mindful aspect of meditation trains you to detach from your thoughts and observe them from a higher perspective.

When you are able to observe from a neutral and detached place, you can make choices about which thoughts you allow to occupy your mind.

Naturally, you will want to choose thoughts which serve and support you, and let go of thoughts that cause you harm or distress.

Take in slow, mindful breaths, and as you do so, visualize cleansing oxygen entering your lungs and revitalizing you. As you exhale, imagine toxic energy being released with the breath, dissipating into the air and becoming harmless.

If you’re interested in learning more about meditation, I have some guided meditation videos on my YouTube channel here.



Enjoy the Earth element by putting your feet upon the ground (barefoot is the best), touching the soil or plants.

Find out whose ancestral lands you live on on.

You can find out on this interactive map here.

Be aware of whose footsteps you follow in. Give thanks to the ancestors for blessing and cultivating the land.

As you walk, imagine toxic energy falling away from you, and down onto the earth, where it is absorbed and rendered harmless.

Ground yourself.

You can also try a grounding meditation.

Sit, stand or lie down upon the earth, whichever feels right to you in the moment. Become aware of the points of contact where your body touch the earth, and feel those parts of your body become heavy and magnetized to the earth.

Visualize your spine lengthening from the tailbone and becoming a long root (called a grounding cord) entering the earth, growing down all the way to the earth’s core, and anchoring itself securely.

Imagine all the toxins and negative energy leaving your body through this grounding cord, going down into the earth’s center, where it becomes transformed into harmless new energy.

I have a grounding guided meditation on my YouTube channel here.


Apply mindfulness and gratitude whenever you eat.

Give thanks for your food that was raised in the earth, and be grateful for all those who helped to cultivate and prepare the food for you, at all stages of the process before it reached you.

Give thanks to Mother Earth

for providing all the necessary nutrients of the soil,

for having the right balance of all the earth elements

to make life and growing possible,

so that your energy and life can be sustained.

As you consume your food, imagine taking this beautiful earth energy into your body.

The magical alchemy of digestion transforms it into you.


Stones, crystals and minerals

Stones and crystals have beautiful healing properties.


Wear these earth elements in the form of jewelry, or have some nearby where you can see and touch them. See which ones attract and inspire you.

Black colored stones like tourmaline and obsidian are said to absorb negative, toxic energy.


Salt is a mineral with purifying properties. You can use salt in the form of a salt crystal lamp, or simply place a dish of salt where it can absorb toxic energies, then disperse it on the earth. Adding salt to a bath gives it more detoxifying properties.



Plants are wonderful friends and companions. Spend time with plants admiring their beauty and the ways they enrich our lives. Have some potted plants indoors to bring more of this living earth energy into your home, and exchange the air element with the plants.

Essential oils

I love essential oils, which contain the spirit and healing properties of the plant.

Essential oils are comprised of the plant’s natural defensive compounds against pests and disease. We can use them similarly for cleansing, strengthening and purifying our own systems. They are easy to use, gentle yet powerful.

Essential oils are an earth element that also work well in combination with other elements like water, such as in a bath, and air, when the oil is diffused.

My favorite way to use them is applied directly to the body, pure or as an ingredient in handmade cosmetics. It’s a self-care method that allows me to absorb the most healing properties of the earth element in a nourishing and loving way.

Make sure to use high quality essential oils. I have been using doTerra essential oils on a daily basis for a few years now and they’ve brought so much benefit to my life. I can’t imagine not using them.

If you’re interested in learning more about using essential oils, feel free to reach out to me for a free personal consult. I’d be happy to help you learn which essential oils could help you!


I hope you’ve enjoyed some of these simple and effective ways to clear toxic energy using earth elements and creative visualizations.

What are your favorite ways to use earth elements to clear toxic energy? Please comment and share!

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