happy lunar new year, year of the tiger

a beautiful tiger

Happy Lunar New Year, Year of the Tiger

Last year on the Lunar New Year, I went to New Renaissance Bookstore and bought a copy of the Tao Te Ching. It makes me feel connected with my Chinese ancestry.

I’ve been reading and absorbing the Tao Te Ching for the past year.

I keep coming back to this, my favorite passage:

Giving birth,

nourishing life,

shaping things without possessing them,

serving without expectation of reward,

leading without dominating:

These are the profound virtues of nature,

and of nature’s best beings.

This is the Tao, an indescribable energy that flows through everything.

To me, this is clearly describing feminine creative energy. The energy of love, caring and nurturing all life.

The energy of mothers, women, caregivers, teachers.

I appreciate this ancient text speaking so reverently about feminine qualities. Especially because I feel that in our modern world, this feminine energy has been disrespected and devalued. The attitude of disrespect is what has led to all the suffering and degradation of our beautiful planet.

It’s time to honor the feminine mother energy that has cared for us throughout all of time.

This feminine mother energy is also also creative energy, the shifting and changing flow of birth, life, death, creation, deterioration.

This is why art is so powerful, because it allows us to be part of this creative process.

That’s why we can get lost in art, because it feels so natural to be part of the creative process, because the Tao, creative energy is always flowing through us.

Feminine energy is beautiful energy that is allowing and receptive. It creates. It doesn’t need to dominate.

Won’t you join me in celebrating our creative life force energy?

I feel that it’s time to truly honor and cultivate this feminine creative energy, to heal our Earth, ourselves and our people.

I’m creating a sacred safe space for women to cultivate our creativity, and awaken to our divine feminine power.

I’m going to be hosting online creative community for women:

Creative Activation Art + Meditation Circle.

mindfulness art activities and more

See the Events page for more information.

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